The lake at Victoria Estates is private. Use of the lake is limited to
Victoria Estates residents and their guests. Guests are welcome;
however, a property owner must accompany their guests at all
times. The only exception is that unaccompanied immediate
family members shall be permitted to fish provided they have the
property owner's fishing pass in their possession. Immediate family
members are defined as grandparents, parents, children,
grandchildren, and in-laws (such as daughter, son, mother, and father)
of the property owners. All others are considered guests,and are the
sole responsibility of the property owner.
No person will be allowed to fish from any lot without the property owner's
permission. If a property owner has guests who are fishing from their property, the property owner or a member of the family must be present. No person is permitted to fish from an adjoining lot without permission from that lot owner.
The maximum number of guests that may accompany a property owner while fishing is three (3). However, if you are having an event the maximum number will be waived.
Use of boats on the lake shall be limited to no houseboats or any boats in excess of eighteen (18') feet and no boat shall be propelled by any engine or motor other than electric trolling-type motors, except boats maintained or operated by the Association or the developer for official use. All boats must be registered with the VEHA and receive a sticker for identification.
See below to review and/or download full fishing and lake usage regulations and information.
Lake Usage
Fish Sizes and Keep LimitationS:
​ Fish Species Size Limits Keep & Possession Limits
Large Mouth Bass
Immediate Catch and Release
No size limitations
No keep or possession limits
No size limitations
20 fish per person per day
Red Ear Sunfish
9 inches or larger
(5) fish per person per day (not to exceed (10) total per boat or fishing party)
Catch and Release
Grass Carp
Catch and Release
Fishing, Boating & Lake Document Downloads
VEHA 2020 Lake and Fishing Rules and Regulations -
Revised 01/25/2021
Questions? Please e-mail the VEHA Lake and Wildlife Committee at lakeandwildlife@victoriaestates.org.